A Summary of the Exam Registration Process
Once you have completed the exam registration form with details of the exams you want to sit, we register you for those units with the exam board. They then send us a Statement of Entry showing which exams (and “cash-insâ€/ overall subject grades) you are registered for. We then post you the Statement(s) of Entry together with a cover-letter which informs you where to go for the exam(s) and at what time. On the day of the exams, you come to the exam hall with your Statement(s) of Entry and photo ID (Passport or Driving Licence) together with anything you will need for the exam (e.g. calculator for maths exams). We get electronic access to your exam results a day before they are officially published. We print Statements of Results and post them to you that day – so that they should arrive in the post on the day they are officially released to you. Together with this Statement is a cover-letter that informs you which post-results services are available. If you have requested overall subject grades (“cashing inâ€), the certificates arrive a few months later and have to be collected in person (with photo ID).
The Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI) Number
The Unique Candidate Identifier (UCI) Number This number is crucial! The UCI (13 characters in total ~12 digits and a letter on the end) is used to coordinate all of your individual exam marks together so that when you request an overall grade, the exam board can locate all of your previous exam results. If you do not provide your UCI number, or supply an incorrect one, there is a real risk that you won’t get an overall grade once you have completed the qualification(s). The UCI number is issued whenever you sit an exam, so if you’ve done exams before in the UK you will have been issued a UCI number. The best place to find this number is on your previous Statement of Results (or Statement of Entry). If you bring in a copy of the Statement when you register, that’s the best way to ensure we register you under the correct UCI. Of course, if you haven’t sat exams before, we will issue you with a new UCI. Again, it’s crucial that you then use this number for all future exams that you register for – here or elsewhere.
Download exam registration form

By sending us your application form to us, you will agree to our terms and conditions.